
Can bet and win credits and also can buy items in games
No ads before game loads and no waiting before it loads
By clicking on somebodys avatar you can see his full image picture
You will get notifications with people who saw your profile

You get extra smiles and meme images

In the lobby chat you can send offline messages to users who left the chat and they will get the message when they log in

You will get much more colors in the chat and your chat messages will be seen much easier

You will always be on top of other users and your icon will be different

Your tables in the lobby will be always on top and you will be able to faster find opponent to play

You can suggest words for adding or removing from Scrabble dictionary

You can see mutual statistics between you and any other player

You can also see mutual history of games between you and any other player

You can see your and other players history

You can write in the main chat
You can participate in the rankings for every game and become famous player